
Leading provider of solutions for
secure access and identity management

Google – Use Cases

Identity centric use cases for Google


säkra digitala identiteter


säkra digitala identiteter

PhenixID Identity Application Layer

PhenixID Identity Application Layer


Den svenska skolan är på väg in i en digitaliserad värld. För att kunna ta tillvara på möjligheterna med den nya utvecklingen och utnyttja digitala tjänster i undervisningen krävs en väl fungerande lösning. Sannolikt kommer även Skolverkets framtida digitala nationella prov att interagera med Skolfederation.

Strong Authentication

Accessing company data by user login in a secure and easy manner can be a challenge! Our flexible solutions offer secure login that enables users to easily access their resources.


Today there are countless applications, both cloud-based and local. Remembering account names and passwords is a problem that users face every day. MyApps provides easy and secure access to user applications through one single account.

Password Management

Resetting forgotten passwords is a tedious and time-consuming hazzle for both users and administrators. Password Management solutions from PhenixID enables organizations to lower their costs by solving password issues in a simple and secure manner.

Identity Management

Managing users in various IT systems is a challenge for many organizations. There is a great need for streamlined user account management that meets the requirements for security, simplicity and cost efficiency.

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